Danica Johnson

Oct 12, 20204 min

Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"


Good Morning Lovelies! Super excited to share so many amazing things with you through our new Compositions & Coffee's Blog "Creative Soul Digest" and engage in so many insightful conversations. Now I know leaving Sunday we all have the same thought… “ugh it’s Monday.” Even still in a Pandemic when some of us are stuck at home that “Monday Slump” STILL hits! Well I’m telling you today’s the day to shake if off because we are hitting the ground running with something to look forward to! Each Monday is Mindful Movement Monday where we will have a nice “reset” and set goals and intentions for the week.

So, what better way to kick off our Mindful Movement Monday then with our sista’s in the movement Morgan and Vanessa from GirlTrek! For those of you that haven’t heard yet let me help get you in the KNOW! GirlTrek is a ground-breaking movement public health initiative for African American women’s health and well-being that is founded on the collective action of dedicating 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, to walk outside in our communities They are the largest public health non-profit for African American women and girls in the United states. THEIR GOAL to use walking as a practical first step to inspire healthy living, families, and communities. I love this in their mission statement “We walk to heal our bodies, inspire our daughters, and reclaim the streets of our neighborhoods.” YES!! So this is why GirlTrek will be the topic of conversation and even more specific their ground breaking Black History Bootcamp. Their boot-camp is grounded in the fundamental roots of civil rights history and for 30 minutes each of the 5 days they discuss a monumental figure in the fight for equality, jobs, and civil rights. Why I also love it (because I have so many reasons to) is because it’s the CORRECT telling of our history and not some fluffed up, revamped, misleading, or just couldn’t fit in our American History books telling. Nope this the REAL and it’s coming from US! They cover figures such as Audre Lorde, Esther Jones, Ruby Dee, Bree Newsome, Caludette Colvin and so many more (and if you didn’t know any of those names I promise you YOU WILL BE ENLIGHTENED). They have now 3 versions starting back in June of this year leading up to their latest series revolving around prayer. I can go on and on about GirlTrek and the amazing things they are doing surrounding education, health, and justice but I’ll stop and encourage you to check them out. Currently, my walks are filled with inspiration and knowledge from these two powerhouse women. Whatever, your movement of choice today throw in some headphones and dive into their series.

This Monday we are walking ya’ll while the weather is still being gracious to us! We have a lot going on in our world today and a lot coming up so getting out there to breathe the fresh air and release is exactly what the doctor ordered. Fun facts: walking improves your circulation, wards off heart disease, lowers blood pressure, lightens your mood, promotes weight loss, improves sleep, promotes digestion, supports joints the list goes on. AND THAT’S AS SIMPLE AS 30 MINUTES. You don’t have to speed walk even a casual stroll you can benefit from all of this. On average a brisk 30 minute walk per day burns roughly 150 calories. That’s just the physical side on the mental side a 30 minute walk alleviates stress hormones and produces endorphins which leave you with a general since of well-being. ENOUGH SAID!

Need motivation? Grab a buddy to walk with you whether you walk and talk or walk in silence listening to Black History BootCamp then discuss later! Set a daily alarm to remind you to devote 30 minutes to yourself if you can’t do it first thing in the morning. Make it part of your routine each day whether that’s prior to your morning cup of coffee, during your lunch break, or to unwind after it all. Pair it with music for your soul and let the thought of listening to favorite artist, song be what pushes you. I love B-Tribe ya’ll and Libera Me and Love was my walking music last week (by walking I also mean swaying my hips).

So let’s end with setting an intention and goal:

My intention friends for the week is: to bring light into other people’s day! Which starts here right now with this blog!

My goal: To walk every morning after my morning cup of Eclectic sunrise (we will discuss why this is my choice tomorrow)

Your turn friends! Set an intention for the week. Monday’s we step into the week and fill our minds with lists but HERE we stop, pause, breathe, take in this current moment, check in with our bodies, and take 30 minutes to ourselves to walk, do yoga, stretch, and set our intention for the week…our intention for ourselves and those around us! How will your intention pour into YOU this week? How will your intention pour into someone you love, an acquaintance this week? Please share with me I’d love to hear from you. Check out my book recommendations based off today’s talk. I will leave the link for GirlTrek below so you can sign up for their e-mail list to receive additional information such as videos, and books each day of the BootCamp.

Freedom is Not Enough by Ronald W. Walters

-- In Freedom Is Not Enough (a quote from Lyndon Johnson's 1965 commencement address to Howard University just before he signed the Voting Rights Act), Ronald W. Walters traces the history of the Black vote since 1965, celebrates its fortieth anniversary in 2005, and shows why passing a law is not the same as ensuring its enforcement, legitimacy, and opportunity.




--Be Free

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"Where we mind your mental diet!"

We Are Someone You Should Know

--We are purveyors of literature, gourmet coffee, fashion, style and art." We believe in cooperative economics in the black community locally and nationally thereby promoting and/highlighting other black artisans and black owned businesses through our book subscription Eclectic Crates and our Artisan Market of goods and services.
