Danica Johnson

Aug 9, 20214 min

Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"

Mindful Movement Monday

Hello my lovely Creative Soul family, welcome to the Fall edition of the digest. Fall came quick, per usual, and now many of us are in the swing of gearing up for the cold and….back to school. Whether it’s your itty bitty or your big baby, Back to School season can be just as stressful as Christmas. For those of you that are sending your kiddos off to school, there’s a bit of excitement at the freedom and silence to come (I’m excited for that feeling for the first time). Regardless of if your babies are going to school or being homeschooled, this month is dedicated to thinking outside the box for our kids. So, this time the "movement" is focused on the kids and some of the best exercises and movement for them.

Exercise and Movement for the Kiddies

I struggled during the beginning of the pandemic to find ways to keep my kiddo moving, anybody else? I mean, in all honesty keeping kids moving and desiring to go outside is a struggle for kids nowadays. It’s sad because being outside was all I wanted to do as a kid and I’m still that way as an adult. Setting the example, of course, is a big part of getting the babies moving but also getting creative. It’s not as easy as having them race you and run laps (middle school was hard folks) you really have to find things that will keep them engaged more than a video game. Here’s a few tips for you for when you get stuck:

An article written by Catherine Holecko on verywellfamily had a some great suggestions and also a few, I’m sure, we played as kids but forgot about (or we thought we made them up).

Running & Relay

· Corners

o Remember in gym when we ran around and then had to do an activity at the cones we stopped at? That’s corners! However, when doing it with your little people it’s always fun to let them choose the activity. They will surprise you and of course have more fun.

· Squat relay

o This one hurts today but to kid’s this is nothing. This game is fun to play with others doing high fives, patty cake while facing each other sideways.

· Traffic

o A version of Red Light, Green, Light but here, we make up different moves at the yellow light. So, get creative and make it fun.

Indoor Ball Play

· Tossing balls into laundry baskets

· Hitting a ball at a target with household objects (not in my house but feel free to try)

· Catching balls with a plastic mixing bowl

· Throwing, rolling, or kicking a ball against the wall

Some other great ideas from the post are:

· Hopscotch

· Obstacle courses (my kiddo’s fave)

· Crab walk (love the balancing act idea)

· Bear crawl

· And lastly but more importantly YOGA

I did enjoy the read since it offered some great suggestions I hadn’t thought of, while offering ways to make it enjoyable for the littles. It also offered great explanations for why it’s good for the body and perfect for growing kids. Check it out for more great ideas. Next up yoga.

YOGA for Kids

This was such a game changer for my household because I knew the benefits of yoga for myself and how it made me feel but never thought my kiddo would sit still for Yoga. My son is a mover y’all and he will only stay still when it’s something that truly captivates him. We tried doing animal yoga poses like...






It just didn’t hold his attention and after 3 minutes he was over it. Until I found CosmicKids.

Our babies brains are different now, they are visually stimulated more than we ever were so this means we must adapt (that means compromise). CosmicKids is where it's at. They are making it fun and keeping the kiddo’s engaged while also instilling mindfulness practices, breathing, and stretching. How? Using stories, role-play and just being silly and having fun. The videos and visuals get their attention, but parents, we must engage as well. Check them out! Link HERE

Get Them Outside and in the Community

Again, the pandemic has changed so much for our young people so everything should always be done at your families comfort level. I have had my son tag along in all my outdoor activities to get him moving. We’ve gone hiking, kayaking, fishing, bouldering, bike riding, and are still adding to our list. Nature is free family so get those kids outside, let their feet feel the grass to ground them, let the air and sun hit them, it’s healing. Besides that park play is always amazing for social interaction and movement. Lastly, check out your local park district because they have sports and activities for all ages. This summer my kiddo was in baseball, track & field, soccer, and swim and he loved it. Check out leagues as well because competition is always fun.

Woohoo we are going to keep these babies healthy, moving, mindful, and having fun family! It’s a beautiful thing when our kids ask to go outside or wonder what their next activity is. That’s everything for this Mindful Movement, check out the rest of the week and come back next Monday to hear about the shift in schooling. Recommendations are below don’t miss out on some amazing coffee and books curated for you!

--Live Free

Your family at Eclectuals

"Where we mind your mental diet!"

Support Black Owned Business

Book Recommendations

The Busy Body Book by Lizzy Rockwell

Mindful Games for Kids by Kristina Sargent

Move Your Body by Gina Bellisario

Coffee Recommendations

A sumatra and Indonesian coffee from the Ketiara collective (women farmers). It's a dark, earthy, deep, full bodied, and complex coffee. It's flavors are creamy, sweet, spice, and butterscotch.

We Are Someone You Should Know

--We are purveyors of literature, gourmet coffee, fashion, style and art." We believe in cooperative economics in the black community locally and nationally thereby promoting and/highlighting other black artisans and black owned businesses through our book subscription Eclectic Crates and our Artisan Market of goods and services.
