Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"

What’s Brewing With You Tuesday
Welcome back everyone! It’s time to talk about What’s Brewing With You!
Now it’s summer so hot coffee is off the table for me but iced coffee is always on CHIIIIIIILLLL….
Now making your own ice coffee at home is super simple, cheap, and fun since you can mix it up. Don’t worry I got you so stay tuned for Coffee Tutorials.
Continuing our Father’s Day celebration here at Creative Soul Digest I want to talk about our men’s 2ndfavorite love (besides us of course…and maybe sports)……FOOD!! Besides looking up some bomb recipes to share with you for Father’s Day I had to research what it is about food for our brothers….more specifically why a woman who can cook is so appealing. Inquiring minds want to know sooooo….I thought I’d share. Check this out:
Why The Fella’s Love A Woman That Can Cook

I know you have a few guesses, and you’re probably right but I wanted a guys perspective, so I came across an article by YourTango called Why Women Who Can Cook Make Most Men Go Nuts and was given some insight. The author is a woman but she interviewed her guys friend which was where the male perspective came from. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Cooking is a surprisingly selfless gesture
2. Guys love good food
3. A lot of guys see it as feminine
4. It makes you stand out since it’s rare to find a woman who can cook
5. Cooking is different from baking
6. The smell stays with him and will make him think of you
Now I know there’s also some science behind it like pleasure centers in the stomach and so on and so forth but this was an interesting insight. I know it’s easy to think “don’t most women know how to cook” but the answer is NO. Nowadays we can get anything from the internet and many of us would rather do HelloFresh or eat out because of our schedules. Taking the time to seriously throw down on ya man’s favorite meal is a BIG ask sometimes and that’s IF you can even cook it. I’ll be honest Fam I just started learning how to bake and don’t even ask me how to cook beef and pork (no judgement zone remember? Haha). Next up the food….
Recipes for Father’s Day

Here’s some delicious recipes for our dad’s with all different tastes and stomachs:

Yummy right? Let me know how they turned out if you serve them up. I hope today was a fun read give me some feedback and let me know your thoughts. Fella’s weigh in!
Check out the recommendations below and get ready I have something NEW and EXCITING tomorrow stay tuned!
Peace. Love. And…
--Be Free
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Coffee Recommendations
From Southern Ethiopia a medium roast, slightly sweet and fruit-forward with deep rich, complex medium-body flavor
Ground or Whole Bean
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--We are purveyors of literature, gourmet coffee, fashion, style and art." We believe in cooperative economics in the black community locally and nationally thereby promoting and/highlighting other black artisans and black owned businesses through our book subscription Eclectic Crates and our Artisan Market of goods and services.