Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"
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Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"

Mindful Movement Monday

Hello, hello, family welcome back for another exciting week here at Creative Soul! Summer has been in full swing for a month now and I don’t know about you but I’m loving the heat and sunshine. It’s easier to get up and get moving when the weather is nice. This month, we are going to talk summer favorites with some tips, tricks, and “good to knows” that you can stuff in your back pocket and pull out when needed. This Monday will be devoted to moving your body outside. So check it out…


I wish I looked as cool as the pictures when I’m biking but, one day. I love riding my bike and my family and I always have, dating back to training wheels. My dad and I use to ride on trails and even just take the bike instead of car to run errands. My 4 year University was also in a biking community so biking has always been an exercise of choice. Biking is a great way to get your body moving and improve your cardiovascular health. There are also multiple bikes to try if you are looking for something different.

Walking/ Jogging

No matter the pace this is one of the best things you can do for your body. Fresh air, a good sweat, sunshine, and if you can add some good company, you're all set. It’s good for your mental health, losing weight, staying fit, burning calories, and is another great one for cardiovascular health. If you can do 30 minutes a day of either walking or jogging your body will thank you.


This has become a new passion of mine because I love nature. I joined a couple of outdoor groups and I try to get out at least 3 times a month if not more. It’s walking with the added bonus of the uphill climb great for your thighs and glutes. The best part of this workout is that you don’t even realize you are doing it because it’s so peaceful and relaxing. Added bonus, tapping into mother nature. I’ve enjoyed learning about insects, animals, and plants growing all around us. Get your hiking boots, grab your water, and a buddy and GO!


How many of you knew about bouldering and other forms of climbing, like trad climbing? Okay, well hopefully I wasn’t the only one but I’m in the "know" now and I want to give back. Bouldering is free climbing without the use of a harness or rope but on smaller rock formations. I had my first bouldering experience last month and it was AMAZING! Not as scary as it sounds I promise and you may have even done this hiking without even realizing it. Trad climbing is essentially traditional rock climbing with the use of gear that’s placed as you climb. Many people will practice indoors at a rock climbing wall first but there are outdoor places as well. Last, but not least, alpine climbing which is as intense as it sounds. This would be more of the goal once you’ve managed the other forms. Alpine climbing is essentially aiming to reach the peak or summit of the mountain. We will work our way up to this folks but if some of you have already done it or are doing it please share your photos and tips for inspiration.

Take Your Workout Outside

With the heat and beauty of the summer weather why be stuck inside a gym? Yoga in the grass is always amazing especially if you can find a class. HITT workouts are fantastic as well and gyms have even begun to take these classes outside. Besides jumping in on classes, taking your yoga mat and weights outside is liberating! Get your fresh air and exercise combo with a side of sunshine!

Alright family share with me what’s been working for you and any tips and trick you may have. Also, look into some adventure groups like Outdoor Afro where you will find community, shared interest, and common purpose. Recommendations are below don’t miss out! Until tomorrow…

--Be Free

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"Where we mind your mental diet!"

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A sumatra and Indonesian coffee from the Ketiara collective (women farmers). It's a dark, earthy, deep, full bodied, and complex coffee. It's flavors are creamy, sweet, spice, and butterscotch.

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--We are purveyors of literature, gourmet coffee, fashion, style and art." We believe in cooperative economics in the black community locally and nationally thereby promoting and/highlighting other black artisans and black owned businesses through our book subscription Eclectic Crates and our Artisan Market of goods and services.

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