Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"

It’s A Vibe Friday
Happy Friday Everyone!
Friday just seems like such a perfect day to Catch A Vibe and ride it into the weekend. Share with me what you jam to typically on Fridays to get you in that weekend mood. Well, I thought since all that lingerie talk from yesterday, it would be fun to start getting that sexy playlist ready for V-day. We will continue to share and build off this list over the coming weeks so your input will be crucial to completing this. So, without further ado:
Sexy Jams
a. Man! When Janet made this song everyone around the world became more adventurous
with their extra curriculers. Haha! She harnessed what was beautiful and sensual about the
90s in the video. The song will get you going anytime and any place.
a. This song was seriously underrated. I love 'love' and I love Mario so he can love me with
his love!
3. Feenin
a. Jodeci has so many songs (Freakin You, Good Luv etc) but this one sexy number about
the cat that get’s you locked up in the crazy house is pure gold.
a. This sexy number will have you practicing our strokes and doing the dance.
5. Too Close
a. Next spoke truth about what happens on the dance floor between couples. So add this
to your list in case y’all planning some bumpin and grindin on V-day.
6. Motivation
a. Kelly Rowland had everyone feeling this little number. Combine that with her sexy video
and we all will feel motivated.
a. Listen the video for this song is as beautiful as D’Angelo’s physique….ehemm moving
a. Usher should honestly have a sexy shrine dedicated to him. He even made sadness sexy
with his song ‘Climax’.
a. Everyone knows this song and 112 have been the only group you think of when eating
this fruit.
10. Pony
a. I honestly wanted to marry Ginuwine back in the day he was my dream man! It actually
wasn’t even because of this song…it was the next song….haha
11. Anxious
a. Oooh Ginuwine….I still listen to this song often because it truly evokes a sense of desire
that is yet to be matched in any other song in my opnion.
12. Poppin
a. If Ginuwine is the Godfather and Usher the King Chris Brow would be the prince of sexy.
This is just one of 50 sexy songs Chris has but this was the beginning of his career and at
tender 15-16 years of age this song had us feeling ourselves.
13. Adorn
a. I love Miguel he gently treads the line of romancing you, to, let’s get down to business in
this song. He makes you feel desired and loved at the same time.
14. By Your Side
a. Yes! Sade wrote a sexy song and it will have you feeling all sorts of feels including
romance, sorrow, and needing to cuddle.
15. Bad
a. I won’t lie y’all this was my anthem in my early 20s ( I thought I was a baddie). This
song is that sexy song you dance to with a whip in hand KIDDING that’s more Rihanna’s
a. Ms. Toni had it right doin it again and again.
17. Nobody
a. How many of y’all did a duet to this song with a friend or lover? I know I did and I
really tried to hit those notes too. Nobody can hit those notes like Keith Sweat and Athena
18. Anywhere
a. You know 112 was going to pop on this list more than once. Their music embodies sexy
and this song in particular because I mean ANYWHERE! If Janet hadn’t already had us all
I know you were loving my list but remember we will be adding on over the next several weeks leading up to Valentine’s day so you can have your sexy playlist ready to go. So that requires your input I know you don’t want to let your fellow sisters down so drop a comment with the music, I know you jammed to this weekend, after viewing this playlist. I’ll add it to the following week. Alright friends that’s Friday so enjoy your vibe, check out the recommendations below, and be back here Monday for some more exciting info…
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Brown Skin Showgirls by Leslie Cunningham
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A sumatra and Indonesian coffee from the Ketiara collective (women farmers). It's a dark, earthy, deep, full bodied, and complex coffee. It's flavors are creamy, sweet, spice, and butterscotch.
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