Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"

What’s Brewing With You Tuesday
Hey folks, thank you for joining me this Tuesday to talk beverages and food! August is back to school season so we’ve devoted this month to focusing on our kiddos. I know nourishing, healthy, foods are always priority for our kids, but, it’s not easy. Whether you have a picky eater, a snacker, a stuffer, or a good eater today I have some fun meal packing and snacking ideas. Check it out:
I love involving my son in the process when it comes to cooking and baking. Getting the kids involved in cooking is great for exposure, developing their independence, and bonding. Of course, there’s also the bragging rights and for the older kids…turning it into a competition is always fun. Next up lunch ideas:
Our family has also switched to Vegan and Gluten-free so we’ve had to get real creative with snacks and meals. I’ve been doing GreenChef for our dinner meals since they offer GF and Vegan options. Snacks have been centered around more fruits and veggies but we’ve also been making snacks. Here’s a few ideas for my GF and Vegan families:
Is your mouth watering? Good I’ve done my job.
I can say confidently, my little has shifted easily to our new plan and has been open to trying new foods. Put in good, get out great! I hope these were helpful and gave you some fun things to try. Let me know if any of these worked for you and don’t forget to bring the kids into the kitchen with you.
Recommendations are below and don’t miss tomorrow’s r-E-mix!! Remember to always…
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"Where we mind your mental diet!"
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Book Recommendations
Hot For Vegan Comfort Classics by Lauren Toyota
The Forest Feast for Kids by Erin Gleeson
Nadiya's Bake Me A Story by Nadiya Hussain
Coffee Recommendation
From Southern Ethiopia a medium roast, slightly sweet and fruit-forward with deep rich, complex medium-body flavor
Ground or Whole Bean
We Are Someone You Should Know
--We are purveyors of literature, gourmet coffee, fashion, style and art." We believe in cooperative economics in the black community locally and nationally thereby promoting and/highlighting other black artisans and black owned businesses through our book subscription Eclectic Crates and our Artisan Market of goods and services.