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Compositions & Coffee Presents: "Creative Soul Digest"

Danica Johnson

What’s Brewing With You?

Hey y’all and welcome back for What’s Brewing With You Tuesday! So the past week I’ve been using my AeroPress coffee Brewer and I have been super impressed with how quick, easy, and accurate my cup of joy is. It makes a single 8 oz cup for me in 2 minutes and I love the taste of my medium roast using this method (not too strong not too light). That has been my go to this week how about for you? Share with me in the comments section or if you have questions about the AeroPress. This week in celebration of Women’s History Month we will review benefits of coffee, women owned and operated coffee & teas, and our sister farmers.

Benefits of Coffee

1. Improves Energy

a. We all know how we feel when we drink coffee our energy levels rise and we began to

feel less fatigues (why else consume it right?).

b. Coffee is a stimulant and it makes it’s way to your brain improving function, mood, and


2. Burns Fat

a. Not on it’s own but studies have shown that it helps facilitate the process. Certain

supplements actually have caffeine as one of their ingredients.

3. Improve Physical Performance

a. Coffee increases adrenaline in your body which is what get’s our body’s ready for

physical activity. With this spike the body requires fuel which comes in the form of broken-

down fats or fatty acids.

4. Contains Nutrients

a. Coffee contains riboflavin, manganese, potassium, magnesium, niacin, and pantothenic

acid (vitamin B5). All are extracted from the bean and brewed right in your cup.

5. Lowers risk of type II Diabetes

a. Introducing coffee (not loaded with crème and sugar of course) can lower your risk 5-


6. Protection from Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

a. Unfortunately there is no cure for this disease as of yet but research has found that eating

healthy, exercise, and a few cups of coffee are the key to reducing your risk up to 65%.

7. Reduce your risk for Parkinson’s

a. Parkinson’s disease is caused by depleting levels of neurons in the brain that generate

dopamine. There is no cure for this disease unfortunately but you can lower your chances

by drinking coffee.

8. Reducing your risk of depression

a. A Harvard study found that women who drank more than 2 cups of coffee per day

lowered their rate of depression by 20%.

9. Protection from Cancer

a. Coffee has been found to aid in protection from certain forms of cancer. Liver and

colorectal cancer can be reduced by 40% by drinking 2 cups of coffee per day.

10. Lowers your risk of heart diseases

a. 2 cups of coffee a day has been found to lower your risk for heart disease by 11%.

There is always new information coming out about what things are “good for us” but we know most of the time things from mother nature are good such as the coffee bean. I’m sure these facts will continue to change overtime and new statistics will emerge. Just remember do what’s right for your body. Next up the business of coffee is female…

Women Owned Coffee & Tea

Below find a list of bomb female Coffee & Tea Brands you just have to have in your pantry…

White Coffee (I had the same thought at first)

Go show them love y’all!! Last but not least let’s see how the ladies are changing the game in the coffee farmers industry.

Our Sister Farmers

First, and foremost, remember women are the backbone and soul of everything but especially in global agricultural production where they make up half of the workforce. In some countries even 70%. Quality control is handled primarily by women to ensure the cherry is ripe when picked and sorting the beans throughout process. However, their earnings go the the men who own the property and manage it. Although most of the work is that of women there is gender inequality. Discrimination against women in rural areas leads to little or no earnings, no access or control of land, and a lack of representation. To make changes advocates for women’s rights and gender equity are working in the supply chain of the coffee industry to provide women better pay, training, access, and growth opportunities. Organizations like TechnoServe has been providing trainings for both men and women to break through the gender barrier. ASOMOBI operates Costa Rica’s first women run mico-mill. There are a number of initiatives out there aimed at building women up and ultimately creating a female led industry full of lady bosses.

The hard part is most coffee consumers have no idea of the inequality taking place in coffee production and if they do it feels easy to disassociate since it’s so far way. However, we should always consider our actions and who we consume from to effect positive change. So I encourage you friends be mindful of where you buy. Do your homework to learn more about them and their partnership with their farmers. Support those that partner with collectives and initiatives and we can uplift our sisters and make a difference in the industry.

Alright everyone that’s everything I have for you this Tuesday. Check out the recommendations above and below and I look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow. Until then…

--Be Free

Your family at Eclectuals

"Where we mind your mental diet!"

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Book Recommendations

Coffee Recommendations

From Southern Ethiopia a medium roast, slightly sweet and fruit-forward with deep rich, complex medium-body flavor

Ground or Whole Bean

We Are Someone You Should Know

--We are purveyors of literature, gourmet coffee, fashion, style and art." We believe in cooperative economics in the black community locally and nationally thereby promoting and/highlighting other black artisans and black owned businesses through our book subscription Eclectic Crates and our Artisan Market of goods and services.



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